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September 2021

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

Issue 7, September 2021

September is going to be fun!

We hope you’ve all been enjoying your summer, and we’ve made it one of the best ever with 17 club events already! And there are several more events left to enjoy that are within an easy drive for most members.

So shake off the Covid Blues, check out the really great up-coming events for September and October on our Events page, RSVP, fire up that Viper, and join us for some good times! Events coming up...

ONVE 2021 – Windsor & Surrounding Area Sept. 10-13th

BBQ & Falconry Experience in Acton on Sept. 18th, the most fun BBQ ever!

Track Schools & Lapping Days on Sept. 25th, 30th at Mosport and Oct. 8th at Cayuga

Haliburton Fall Cruise on Oct 2nd (photo from 2020 shown below)

The Works Burger Night on Oct 16th in Newmarket


Welcome New Members

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Justin & Meghan Black, Ryan Ceshan, and Gary and Lesley Ceshan. We met Justin & Meghan on our recent Rice Lake Loop Cruise and will be meeting Ryan, Gary & Leslie this weekend as they participate in our ONVE 2021 event in Windsor. Some of you will already know Ryan as the owner of Motiv Performance in Windsor, an automotive shop that specializes in paint protection film installations, tint, detailing and more. Welcome everyone!


Summer 2021 Event Recaps

See all photos on our website’s Gallery page, and the Newsletter page’s archived newsletters where we added/edited in the written event recaps so you could see them right away rather than waiting for the next issue. Here’s a few that you’ll see in the Gallery…


Ian Law Track Performance Driving School Sat. Sept 25th, $499, or Lapping Only, $225

There are just 3 spots available for this school as of Sept 8th. If you’ve never done a car control school like this before you will be amazed at how much fun it is, and how much you learn about car control. We tend to think of ourselves as being skilled drivers, and it can be awfully expensive should we unexpectedly discover that our skills are lacking! Do this performance driving school in your Viper or another car, but I do recommend to do it.

And if you’ve done schools in the past and would just like to refresh and hone your skills on track then you can register for his track Lapping Only group. There are a few spots available.

Prices shown are discounted club pricing, HST extra, and members as of June 15th will receive our club track rebate if this is your first track event with us this year thanks to our track event sponsors! Contact Bruce to register. Dinner at Kelsey's afterwards!


Year-End Party Cancelled due to Covid

Event venues are reluctant to take bookings with new restrictions coming, and we are all concerned with limiting the spread of Covid, particularly in indoor settings.

But we still have multiple opportunities to see our club friends at up-coming events that are local to most. And for those who haven’t made it out to an event yet this year, I hope you’ll take the opportunity to join us soon!


2021 Member Participation Awards

We’re going to recognize those members who have exemplified our enthusiastic club spirit in 2021, both by the number of events they participated in, and their contribution to those events and the club. While these awards would have been presented at our Year-end party, we’re considering other alternatives.


Planning our 2022 Season – Event Planners Wanted

Our 2022 Event Calendar will be planned, published, and in your hands in time for the December annual membership renewals, the same as we did for the 2021 season. That effort starts next month and we’d like some volunteers to help as event planners!

Our Southern Ontario membership extends all the way to the borders of Michigan, New York and Quebec. We’ve been fortunate to have members in those areas actively involved in planning our terrific 2021 events. We’d like to continue to increase the number of events throughout South-Western Ontario for our many members there, and to create a more active Viper club right out to Ottawa!

Local members know their areas and event opportunities best and have been invaluable planning events this year. Many hands make light work, so if you live on the outskirts of the GTA and well beyond please consider helping to plan a local event and let me know as soon as possible so we can include you and your ideas in our 2022 event planning!

I think the ladies of the VCO might be able to suggest an event idea or 2...but we're just not sure if they'll invite the guys!


2021 Event Feedback

Let us know how we’re doing. What events did you like, and were there any you didn’t enjoy? What kind of events would you like to see, or see more of, in the future? Please let me know and our event team will respond.


Sponsor Appreciation

Our club is on budget to spend several thousand dollars more on member benefits than we receive as our VCO portion of your annual VOA membership dues. This is only made possible by the generous support we receive from the sponsors listed below.

Sponsorships and membership dues fund some part of every event we hold, whether it be ice cream on a cruise, appetizers for meals, track rebate cheques, boat cruise tickets as is the case for members at this weekend’s ONVE event, or fund all of it in the case of our 2 main catered BBQ’s and other things. We also pay over $1700 for club insurance to help protect us all in order that we can safely put on our events.

We simply could not offer the Viper club experience and membership benefits and value that we do without our generous sponsors. So please be sure to show them your appreciation whenever you can, whether it be when it’s time to service your vehicles, purchase a new one, require financial, accounting or estate services, purchase tires, book a track day, purchase after-market performance parts, need custom tuning, or require other high-performance services. Our sponsors have you covered!

Ontario Chrysler, Toronto,

Raceway Chrysler, Toronto,

Islington Chrysler, Toronto,

S&W LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants,

RSP Motorsports, Komoka (London),

Dettmer Tire, Guelph,

Gold Motor Garage, Saint George,

JRP (Johnson Research & Performance), Mississauga,

Kingston Honda and Acura,

Wellington Motors, Chrysler, Guelph,

Chippy’s Fresh Cut Fries, Oakville,


We hope you enjoy staying informed with the VCO Times. On behalf of your VCO leadership team, I’d like to thank you all for your club participation and support, and we look forward to seeing you all at an event soon!.


Bruce Hadfield,

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