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  • viperclubontario

June 2021

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

ISSUE 4 | June 2021

VCO 2021 Events About to Start!

Ontario is currently expected to meet Stage 1 reopening requirements as of June 14th, green-lighting our planned events starting June 26th. We can work with the initial outdoor gathering size of 10 by breaking into 2 or more smaller groups on our first Viper Cruises at our stops. Outdoor dining is what we had planned already, with 4 per table at a restaurant being just fine, or do it picnic-style in parks. Our club is all about enjoying the great outdoors with our Vipers and friends…and we can do this!

Viper Cruise events…no problem! Outdoor dining events…no problem! Track day events, participants only…no problem! Home BBQ on July 24th, hopefully we’ll be in Stage 2 and restricted to just 25, and BBQ on Sept. 18th, might be Stage 3 and even less restricted.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for high vaccination rates so Ontario can move on to the less restrictive stages quickly…and maintain social distancing and wearing of masks when we can’t.

And as a reminder from last month’s newsletter, we require each event participant to RSVP, return the Covid-19 Questionnaire and Liability Waiver, to socially distance at events, and wear masks when in close proximity to others. Thank you for your cooperation, and we’re not going to let this crimp the fun!



June and July Events - Let’s do this!

We have a record number of club events planned around safety and fun…and there’s something for everyone! Find complete details on this website’s “Events” page by clicking on the event descriptions. RSVP early directly from the Events page by clicking on the event organizer, noting any required RSVP deadlines. Final event details will be emailed to you upon receiving your RSVP.

Wow! 4 Cruises, 4 Track Days, Golf, Lunches and a BBQ, all in the first few weeks of our season! Did we happen to mention the VCO having More Fun in 2021! Thanks to our Event Planners and Sponsors!

How to RSVP and Participate in our Events

This procedure is different than previous years, but very easy, and all by email.

  1. Choose an event from this website’s Event page, clicking on the description to view all details

  2. RSVP before the deadline by clicking on the event organizer’s noted email link, noting the names and email addresses of those coming.

  3. You will receive an email with Covid Questionnaire & Liability Waiver, other event details, and meeting points & times for those wishing to join others for the drive in.

  4. Reply with your acknowledgement of the Questionnaire & Waiver acceptance…and now you're ready to attend!

  5. Check-in with the organizer when you arrive to review the health questionnaire and initial the Event Participation Form used to determination our year-end Event Participation Winners!

Thank you for your cooperation in helping us ensure the safety of all of our members and guests. We look forward to see you all at an event soon, and hope you’ll join us for many!


Membership Continues to Grow

Your Board of Directors, Event Planners, and Club Sponsors have pulled out all the stops to provide our members across Southern Ontario with a truly unsurpassed club experience. Viper owners have noticed these efforts and are joining the club for all we offer, boosting our membership by 50% as of June 1st!

Welcome to all! Thank you for your support, and we know you’re going to enjoy our club’s camaraderie! We hope you’ll join us for many events!


New 2021 VCO Sponsors

We’re pleased to announce Wellington Motors, Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, located in Guelph, will be a 2021 club Sponsor! We thank you for your generous support!

And we welcome Chippy’s Fresh Cut Fries in Oakville, owned by long-time VCO member Matt Flewelling!

Please refer to our Sponsors page for more information and a link to all their website.


Market Place

Please don’t forget to submit your Vipers For Sale or Wanted Ads for our Market Place page! Vipers are in short supply and we’d like to help connect buyers and sellers. Email your ad to Bruce at

Staying safe while having VCO fun in 2021…we really can do both at the same time!

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